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Sandra Fisher-Martins

Português Claro, Portugal

Sandra Fisher-Martins is the Portuguese representative for Clarity and hosted the Clarity2010 conference in Lisbon. She is a member of the board of PLAIN — Plain Language Association International — and part of the International Plain Language Working Group.

Sandra worked as a technical translator for IBM and as a psychologist for the NHS in the UK. In 2007, she set up Português Claro, a training and consultancy firm that introduced plain language to Portugal and has been helping Portuguese companies and government agencies communicate clearly. In 2010, she was commissioned by the government to produce plain-language summaries of all new decree-laws published in the Official Gazette — a project you can now follow on Facebook at

She is currently involved in Euro-Clear, a project to develop a European diploma in clear communication.



We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support in 2011.


Write Limited

New Zealand Superannuation Fund

Consumer NZ 

Graphic Solutions  

Business New Zealand 


Editor Software


Plain English Foundation


WriteMark Limited



NZTC International 


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