Blue Mountain Adventure Centre
Winner: Best Plain English Document — Private Sector 2012
Conquer Your Own Mountain
Judge Ralph Brown of Skillset New Zealand with Nicola Maycroft of Blue Mountain Adventure
Judges' comment
This document is an easy and entertaining read that reaches its objective of inspiring people to use the services offered. Great design matches the message.
Media statement
The Salvation Army’s Blue Mountain Adventure Centre is a site of excellence valued by schools, youth groups, community groups and individuals wanting safe and exciting adventure-based experiences. In 2011, The Salvation Army aimed to attract new business by creating a fresh suite of marketing material. Its brochure brings together essential information with strong images and a clean design to present a clear call to action. The marketing slogan for the Blue Mountain Adventure Centre is to ‘conquer your own mountain’. With this in mind, a key visual element of the design was the concept of ‘drawing oneself’ into various adventure scenarios. The clarity and look of this document provided the textual and visual framework for a new website.
There has been a pleasing response to the centre’s new marketing material, which is used to respond to inquiries, as well as in personal visits by the centre’s marketing manager and at expos. The Salvation Army is delighted to be a winner in the 2012 WriteMark Plain English Awards. The principles of plain English are essential for clear and helpful communication, something The Salvation Army strives to incorporate in its various publications and its online presence.
Nicola Maycroft
Marketing Manager