Our premier category celebrates New Zealand’s champion plain English communicators
The plain English Champion category has two awards.
You can switch between them here:
Each entry in this category costs $143.75 including GST or $74.75 including GST for registered charities. This fee goes completely towards running the Awards.
The Plain English Champion — Best Individual or Team award honours the people who work hard to make plain English a reality in their organisation. The award is open to individuals or teams who have significantly contributed to a plain English initiative in any New Zealand organisation.
For example, you or your team might have done one or more of the following:
You may nominate yourself or your team. Don’t be shy! Or someone else at your organisation can nominate you.
Remember that this award is about recognising people — submit activities and results as evidence of their or your efforts.
Present your entry in three parts: names of the people to be honoured, contribution, and supporting evidence.
Write the name, position and email address of each person, or the team name.
Describe your contribution to a plain English initiative in no more than 1500 words. Please use the following two headings.
What you or your team did and why (effort)
What you achieved (results)
You can back up your entry with as much supporting material as you like.
The winner of the Plain English Champion — Best Individual or Team award will receive:
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.