Te Radar (Andrew J Lumsden) is an award-winning satirist, documentary-maker, writer, stage and screen director, and amateur historian. His television series Radar’s Patch screens on TV1, at 7.00pm on Sundays. His acclaimed show ‘Eating the Dog’, which celebrates his favourite people in New Zealand’s past — the misfits, the failures, and those who died trying — is currently touring the country. His awards include the Fred Award for Comedy Achievement from the 2009 NZ International Comedy Festival, and, in 2008, the New Zealand Comedy Guild’s prestigious ‘Kevin Smith Memorial Cup for Artistic Achievement’.
‘The What Pack’ from The Improvisors is a musical interlude with a difference. A talented musician and two performers, scared witless, conjure completely improvised musical numbers out of thin air. The audience calls the tune as the What Pack gives you a taste of the sort of musical mayhem and comedy that has seen them perform four seasons of sold-out improvised musicals at Wellington’s Circa Theatre.
Colleen Trolove came back to New Zealand in 2009 after having sung jazz in London. Her background is in barbershop singing, which she pursued to an international level. Living in London, she decided to change direction and follow her true passion: jazz. She worked with a fantastic quartet in London made up of a drummer, bass player, pianist, and guitarist. Most often she performed as a duo with pianists in Covent Garden restaurants and bars, such as La Roche, PJ’s Bar and Grill, and Candy Bar.