


We would like to thank the following sponsors for their support in 2013.


Ginny Redish

President, Redish & Associates, Inc, USA


Janice (Ginny) Redish has been a passionate evangelist for plain language and usability for many years. She has more than 30 years of experience helping government agencies, nonprofits, and commercial companies make their forms, documents, and web sites easy for people to understand and use.

The US Center for Plain Language, the official US government guidelines for plain language, and the International Working Group on Plain Language have all adopted Ginny’s definition of plain language as writing in which the intended readers can:

  • find what they need 
  • understand what they find 
  •  use what they find to meet their needs.

Ginny combines her background as a linguist (PhD, Harvard University) with years of experience in information design and cognitive psychology to develop and apply research-based, very practical guidance for her clients. She is the author of award-winning books and articles. Her most recent book, Letting Go of the Words — Writing Web Content that Works, has garnered rave reviews for its clear explanations and many full-color examples.

Judges for the 2012 Awards

Judging process for the 2012 Awards