Statistics New Zealand
Winner: Best Plain English Document — Public Sector / Non-Government Organisation 2012
How to tell a story using statistics
Judge Ralph Brown of Skillset New Zealand with Eleanor Meecham of Statistics New Zealand
Judges' comment
A fine example of plain English and very good presentation. This entry was one of the more complex documents and we gave you extra credit for handling that challenge so well.
Media statement
Our statistics reveal information about many aspects of life in New Zealand. It's important for us to explain what our statistics mean, so New Zealanders can use them to make decisions. Plain English helps us communicate our statistics clearly.
How to tell a story using statistics is designed to help our statisticians communicate the stories in the numbers. Telling stories helps us share our information better and show why it’s important. Through storytelling we contribute to creating an informed society using official statistics, which in turn leads to greater prosperity, security, and opportunity for all New Zealanders.
We're delighted to receive this recognition from the WriteMark Awards.
Peter O'Neale
Acting Product Development and Publishing Manager
On behalf of Eleanor Meecham