More carrot than stick at the 2017 Plain English Awards. Image <\/a>by Mali Maeder<\/a> \/ CC0 License<\/a><\/p><\/div><\/p>\n
Government agencies and commercial firms are again vying for honours in the annual Plain English Awards. Organisations are turning their back on corporate jargon, bureaucratic writing, and legalese.<\/p>\n
Now in their 12th year, the Awards have an impressive track record. They encourage New Zealand organisations to favour clarity over complexity and celebrate those who choose to be clear.<\/p>\n
The Awards are the premier benchmark for high standards and achievement in plain English. Success in the Awards shows we\u2019re not only doing it [plain English], but doing it well and our expertise is being recognised.<\/p><\/blockquote>\n
Entries are open until August<\/strong><\/p>\n
Entries are open across nine categories. Awards are available for everything from superb sentence rewrites and document transformations, to recognition for people who campaign for clarity and their projects.<\/p>\n
Entries are open now and will close on 31 August 2017.<\/p>\n
Choose your category and enter the Awards<\/a><\/p>\n